Activity Plans


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this assignment, students will be able to plan, implement, and evaluate four activity plans for children with special needs.



Students will plan, implement, and evaluate four (4) activity plans for children with special needs. These plans should be age appropriate and should fit into the context of typical daily routines within the classroom. The activities should be designed to allow children with differing abilities and learning styles/needs to participate and be successful and engaged.

Students will include curriculum modifications and/or physical accommodations that may be necessary for a child with disabilities. The four activity plans should target the following developmental domains:
• Adaptive—self-help
• Cognition
• Communication
• Motor skills
• Social-emotional

This assignment contains two (2) parts. Please read the directions carefully.

Part 1: Observation and Planning

Observation Steps

  1. Download the anecdotal form. Anecdotal Form - MS Word or Anecdotal Form - PDF
  2. Using this anecdotal form, observe children for 20 minutes who are engaged in an activity. This could be a planned activity (large group or small), free play (outside or in) or another time where you can capture children interacting with one another.
  3. In the comments section of the anecdotal form, jot down specific examples of what skills the child/ren/ demonstrated.
  4. From your observation, what do you think the children are interested in or could use more support in? What activity will you create to support that interest or skill you observed?

Planning Steps

  1. Download the lesson plan format. Lesson Plan Format - MS Word or Lesson Plan Format - PDF
  2. Using the lesson plan format, create four (4) lesson plans.
  3. Assure that each lesson plan is derived from the observations you took!
  4. Check with your cooperating teacher and/or instructor to see if it is an appropriate activity that coincides with themes, curriculum, children's interests, etc.

To submit part 1 of this assignment, click on the link "Submit Activity Plans Part 1" in the Activity Plans folder. Be sure to include all four (4) activity plans. Part 1 of the assignment will be graded using this rubric. All assignment due dates are listed in the Course Navigator.

Part 2: Implementation

Implementation Steps

  1. Download the reflection format. Reflection Format - MS Word or Reflection Format - PDF
  2. Implement the lesson plans. Be sure to check with your cooperating teacher on a time and day! Also check with the cooperating teacher to be sure this is a fit for the curriculum.
  3. Complete reflection/analysis using the reflection format provided. Your reflection should be THOROUGH. Ask your cooperating teacher for feedback. There are no "wrong answers" when you reflect.

To submit part 2, click on the link "Submit Activity Plans Part 2" in the Activity Plans folder. Be sure to include all four (4) reflections. The reflection portion of this assignment will be graded using this rubric. Keep in mind that you will be graded on your ability to reflect and GROW through the process of reflection. All assignment due dates are listed in the Course Navigator.